HY Bald Eagle for Static Display

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Contact Teton Raptor Center
Bald Eagle
static display animal
wild reared
Juvenile - HY
Species: Bald Eagle Sex: presumed female Age: HY, presumed 6-7 months old Flight status: partially flighted, able to perch, hop/flap with both wings symmetrically and get to perches around 3 feet off the ground. Admission date: 7/21/24 Vet Letter: A presumed female Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) was rescued from Jackson, Wyoming on July 21st, 2024. The eagle is a hatch year and presented thin with neurologic symptoms (head tremors, head tilt, and inappropriate mentation). This patient was placed into our quarantine zone until they tested negative for HPAI. Numerous maggots were identified in both ear canals upon admission likely causing otitis media interna. Additionally, this patient has incipient cataracts and evidence of an acute traumatic injury leading to a pecten avulsion in the left eye. The initial determining factor for whether this patient was a failure to thrive vs. ectoparasites vs. trauma could not be identified. This patient was treated with anti-parasitics and anti-inflammatories and their neurologic symptoms improved significantly. Upon placement into our flight conditioning enclosure, they repeatedly demonstrated difficulty flying likely due to balance issues. A leading differential diagnosis is that the patient was a failure to thrive case who consequently suffered from ectoparasitism which lead to a deep ear infection causing permanent damage to the vestibulocochlear nerve. I suspect this lead to permanent vestibular symptoms. While this patient has not demonstrated the ability to fly soundly, they are able to ambulate well and navigate their enclosure well. The overall prognosis for successful release is poor to grave. Over the last month, I and our team at Teton Raptor Center have evaluated this patient’s temperament and comfort and feel confident in recommending this patient as an education ambassador. -Dr. Salene Freeman, DVM
The bird can eat whole prey, perch, preen, bathe, and engage in other natural behaviors. The ealge is non-flighted but can maneuver around an enclosure freely using a variety low perches.
The eagle has a calm demeanor despite being parent-reared. They exhibit signs of comfort when humans are outside of the enclosure looking in or when staff/volunteers enter the enclosure to clean. The bird does not exhibit calm behavior when restrianed/handled. These straits make this bird a good candidate for static display only and not for programs/glove training.
When a stranger nears the bird inside the enclosure, it acts leary and cautious but remains on the perch without baiting off or running away. We believe this will improve as relationships are built with this bird between staff and volunteers who enter the enclosure to clean or feed the eagle. There is little or no fear response exhibited when strangers approach from the outside of the enclosure.
good life
good life

Please complete the following form to submit your application: https://forms.gle/uyCLQ3ALozQnuKQJ7

E-mail connor@tetonraptorcenter.org and salene@tetonraptorcenter.org with any questions.

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