Friendly and socialized pair of Red Foxes looking for placement

Home / Job Postings and Animal Placement / Friendly and socialized pair of Red Foxes looking for placement

Contact Jennifer Dustin Leahey
United States
Red Fox - Vulpes vulpes
static display animal
captive reared
Both foxes are 4 years old
Both foxes were hand-reared/captive reared. Highly social and desensitized to humans/other animals and this unsuitable for re-release. Both are healthy. Male is neutered.
Yes, behavior is very healthy. They are very bonded as a pair.
Both animals are highly habituated to humans and once they know a caretaker will approach without hesitation. They will take food from a hand and allow small amounts of touch, although not restraint.
They will go into hide houses until they deem the situation safe, but are extremely curious and will want to check the person out. Once they know someone they are quite friendly.
with conspecifics
good life
good life

This pair of 4 year old Red Foxes (1 neutered male, 1 female), are extremely bonded and would thrive in a static exhibit placed together. They are healthy and highly socialized. They are not related, but were both captive-raised. Once they get to know their caretakers they will readily interact. These foxes are great education animals, and I am happy to provide photos and videos and further details upon request!

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