Placement needed for mal-imprinted mallard drake

Home / Job Postings and Animal Placement / Placement needed for mal-imprinted mallard drake

United States
Mallard duck
  • off-site education animal
  • static display animal
captive reared
This duck was taken from the wild and raised by a member of the public before being confiscated by law enforcement and brought to us. He has an old wing injury that reduces range of motion, but he still has at least some flight ability. He does not appear to have any other medical or behavioral issues.
Yes, but flight is likely limited due to old wing injury. We have not had him in a space large enough to test flight, but law enforcement reported some flight during capture from his enclosure.
He calmly moves away from unknown caretakers during husbandry activities.
He is friendly with those he knows.
good life
good life

This duck has been housed indoors, away from other birds for several weeks. We would be happy to perform an HPAI test prior to disposition.

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