Young Female Golden Eagle for Placement to Hight Quality Facility

Home / Job Postings and Animal Placement / Young Female Golden Eagle for Placement to Hight Quality Facility

Contact Kari Freidig
530 320-1980
United States
Golden Eagle
off-site education animal
wild reared
10 months
Young Female Golden Eagle for Placement We are looking to place a female golden eagle approximately 10 months old at a high quality facility with experienced eagle handlers. The eagle arrived to Bird of Prey Health Group from the wild 12/13/2024. She was emaciated, weak showing slight ataxia and possible vision issues. Her medical work up included full hematology and chemistry blood profiles, lead, and West Nile virus testing. In addition, this eagle has received two veterinary ophthalmology exams. Diagnosis was West Nile Virus infection resulting in bilateral retinal scarring and uveitis She has responded well to treatments and is ready for educational placement. She will need to have continued exams for her eyes and yearly hematology and chemistry evaluation. She is a beautiful, gentle and responsive eagle and should do well with training with experienced handers. She is fully flighted and may be able to be trained for short flights. Her vision is impaired, but she is not blind. She should be used for educational programs and not a display bird. *Interested parties must hold appropriate permits and complete a placement application.
Diagnosis was West Nile Virus infection resulting in bilateral retinal scarring and uveitis She has responded well to treatments and is ready for educational placement. She will need to have continued exams for her eyes and yearly hematology and chemistry evaluation. She is a beautiful, gentle and responsive eagle and should do well with training with experienced handers. She is fully flighted and may be able to be trained for short flights. Her vision is impaired, but she is not blind. She should be used for educational programs and not a display bird.
She is a beautiful, gentle and responsive eagle and should do well with training with experienced handers.
She's young, came from the wild and shows normal wild golden eagle behaviors.
with conspecifics
good life
good life

We are looking to place a female golden eagle approximately 10 months old at a high quality facility with experienced eagle handlers.
The eagle arrived to Bird of Prey Health Group from the wild 12/13/2024. She was emaciated, weak showing slight ataxia and possible vision issues. Her medical work up included full hematology and chemistry blood profiles, lead, and West Nile virus testing. In addition, this eagle has received two veterinary ophthalmology exams.

Diagnosis was West Nile Virus infection resulting in bilateral retinal scarring and uveitis
She has responded well to treatments and is ready for educational placement. She will need to have continued exams for her eyes and yearly hematology and chemistry evaluation.

She is a beautiful, gentle and responsive eagle and should do well with training with experienced handers. She is fully flighted and may be able to be trained for short flights. Her vision is impaired, but she is not blind.

She should be used for educational programs and not a display bird.
*Interested parties must hold appropriate permits and complete a placement application.

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