Christina Carrières RVT, CWR

Christina Carrieres RVT, CWR

Christina Carrières is a veterinary technician and a Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator (IWRC certification program). For over 15 years, she has been working as a Wildlife Rehabilitator at BC SPCA Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre (BC SPCA Wild ARC) on Vancouver Island, BC.  Christina is originally from Montréal, QC where she completed her VT program. Shortly after graduating, she worked with marine mammals and other aquatic and marine species at Parc Aquarium de Québec. She then moved to Victoria in 2003 to complete a double major in Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Victoria. She currently works in companion and exotic animal care as a surgery veterinary technician, as well as continuing to support Wild ARC. In addition, she works as a marine mammal observer and wildlife specialist for Sea View Marine Sciences. She is the Program Coordinator for Oiled Wildlife Society of BC, a director at large for Interior Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (IWRS), and on the Advisory Board of The Fur-Bearers. Christina has been an instructor for International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) since 2015. In 2018, she had the privilege to be an instructor for the first Workshop on Animal Care and Handling of Live Animals Confiscated from Trade, offered by International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) in Morocco. Beside her wildlife interest, Christina volunteers with Vets for Pets, a local organization that provides free basic veterinary care to low income and homeless people’s companion animals and with Canadian Animal Assistance Team that provides free professional veterinary care by conducting animal health and spay/neuter clinics in Canada and abroad. Over the years, she has completed numerous training courses, attended conferences, and has gained experience volunteering in various wildlife rehabilitation centres in different countries such as Guatemala, Belize, South Africa, and Hawaii. Her passion for wildlife care and welfare has always been a strong driver in her life.

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