Red-Shouldered Hawk

Home / Job Postings and Animal Placement / Red-Shouldered Hawk

Contact Stephanie Shoemaker
United States
Red Shouldered Hawk
off-site education animal
wild reared
hatch year 2023
Schultz was admitted for head trauma, specifically bilateral eye trauma and an injured cere. There is retinal detachment in the right eye, rendering Schultz blind on that side and unreleasable. The left eye appeared normal on post-rehab veterinary ophthalmologist check-up.
Yes. Schultz can express all typical behaviors and is fully flighted.
Schultz is calm in the cage and weathering mew, but will show insecurity or bate off the tether when approached in a determined or focused manner. He does not like to be startled and responds much better when the approach is slow and the caregiver verbally announces their presence.
good life
good life

Schultz is trained to both step and jump to the glove and step up to a perch. He is slowly adapting to life with one eye and shows the best progress with a single, subdued trainer and a quiet environment. He has, however, shown himself comfortable in front of small groups of people in a familiar environment. He can be handled by multiple people but does bate more with new or infrequent handlers. He should achieve his full potential as an on-glove education bird once he bonds with a trainer, which is not something his current situation can offer.

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