Turtles! Multiples of different species, males & females

Home / Job Postings and Animal Placement / Turtles! Multiples of different species, males & females

Slider turtles - Cumberland, Red-eared, Yellow-bellied
  • off-site education animal
  • static display animal
captive reared
These animals were obtained for exhibit and conservation education but now are outgrowing our facility as we re-focus our collection. They are healthy animals.
Yes, all animals are capable of swimming and ambulating appropriately
Many of the turtles in this group approach people (when in the water), as they have been hand-fed as part of our exhibit. The males are less comfortable approaching people.
Many of the turtles in this group approach people (when in the water), as they have been hand-fed as part of our exhibit. The males are less comfortable approaching people.
with conspecifics
good life
good life

We have a collection of semi-aquatic turtles that are looking for a new home in education or on exhibit. They represent three species and were obtained originally for exhibit at our aquarium. They have now outgrown their exhibit space and so we are reducing the number of animals on exhibit as well as re-focusing our collection. Many of these turtles are comfortable approaching people as they have been offered food from our visitors (in a managed and controlled setting). We have three different species and both males and females to find homes for, a total of 20 animals but we would consider splitting the group for good homes.

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