ISO of Ambassador Animals

Home / Job Postings and Animal Placement / ISO of Ambassador Animals

Contact Anna
Turkey Vulture, North American Porcupine, Red-tailed Hawk, Harris Hawk
off-site education animal

New Mexico Wildlife Center is looking to expand their ambassador animal program and is looking to add multiple species of interest. We are a conservation/rehab center located in New Mexico and have a walk through education center. Each ambassador is housed in species appropriate enclosures on display and have access to hides, daily care and enrichment, and choice-based training. We are looking to add to our flight program:

An imprint Turkey Vulture
Red Tailed Hawk

We are also open to native New Mexico raptor species including but not limited to flighted Harris Hawks, Merlins, Prairie Falcons, Peregrine Falcons, Rough-legged Hawks, and more. If a raptor is not suited for offsite glove programs, we have onsite program opportunities for them as well.

We are also on the lookout for a North American Porcupine.

Thank you in advance!

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