Looking for flighted Songbirds

Home / Job Postings and Animal Placement / Looking for flighted Songbirds

Contact ric.urban
713 533 6564
United States
North American migratory songbirds
static display animal

The Houston Zoo recently opened a 2000 sq ft NA Songbird aviary displaying a variety of birds found in the Central and Mississippi Flyways. We are looking for individuals that are flighted, but non-releaseable. Species of interest - American Goldfinch, American Robin, Baltimore Oriole, Blue Jay, Blue Grosbeak, Rose breasted Grosbeak, Cedar Waxwing, Eastern Bluebird, Grey Catbird, House Finch, Indigo Bunting, Morning Dove, Northern Cardinal, Painted Bunting, Wood Thrush. We are open to other species such as tanagers, woodpeckers, flickers. We are an AZA Accredited facility with a fantastic veterinary team and bird staff. Thank you, Ric

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