Common Grackle looking for a home

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Common Grackle
static display animal
captive reared
Found as a nestling on the ground under a tree, rest of siblings deceased
Since he was a fledgling, he has repeated damaged the flight feathers on his right wing, and has gone through several molts on this wing. Those follicles are no longer producing feathers. Mainly primaries #2 and 4, and several secondaries on that wing as well. The rest of his feathers are fine and there have been no other issues.
Yes. He can fly short distances and does fine in larger flight spaces with some additional perches.
He exhibits species-typical behaviors. He is used to being in proximity to people, but when people are inside his enclosure he will fly to a further or higher perch out of reach.
Same as above, he does not react any differently to new people. However, all staff and volunteers are trained to respect his space and behavior throughout his time at our facility so while he evades capture, he is fairly calm.
other (elaborate in free field below)
good life
good life

He has a good disposition for a display bird, loves enrichment, and seemed to coexist very well with other birds.
Until winter, he was housed outdoors with other birds, and had been with several different groups over time.
Due to our northern outdoor temperatures, he is currently housed alone in an indoor flight space.
His missing feathers are not visibly obvious and he would do well in a display situation.

Photos of his wing available on request.

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