Wildlife Rehabilitation Volunteer Internship

Home / Job Postings and Animal Placement / Wildlife Rehabilitation Volunteer Internship


Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre is a wildlife rehabilitation clinic that has been in operation for 25 years. We provide care and shelter to all native and migrating wildlife, and take in about 6,000 animals per year.

As a volunteer intern, you would be working alongside our animal care technicians, helping with daily feeding, cleaning, enrichment, and general care of many different wildlife species. This includes infant animals requiring bottle feeding, baby bird feeding, hatchling care for reptiles, and more! Work is often intense and fast paced due to the high volume of patients in care. Scheduling is 4 days a week, 10+ hour shifts and days off are not always consecutive.

You will learn:
Proper handling of wild species
Proper diet for individual species
Bird identification
Anatomy of different species
Orphan care of multiple species
Species specific enrichment
and more!

Placements are anywhere from 3-9 months, and are offered year-round but preference is given to spring/summer. Free, shared accommodations and a biweekly stipend of $200. We are happy to work with universities to fulfill placement requirements.

Applicants must be 18 years or older, have an up to date (or willing to get up to date) tetanus and rabies vaccinations
Health insurance is required for international students
Ability to read, write, and speak English
Ability to lift 40 lbs
Available to work full time (40 hours) during their placement period

For more information and to apply, please visit https://sandypineswildlife.org/?page_id=71
Any further questions and applications (from website) can be sent to intershipspwc@gmail.com

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