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Thank You Rachel Carson

Thank You Rachel Carson A voice for wildlife Today is the 50th anniversary of Rachel Carson’s death. Carson brought issues of bio-accumulation and pesticide toxicity to the attention of the general public with her seminal work Silent Spring. Carson gave voice (a voice the public listened to) to disturbing emerging problems using her expertise as...


New IWRC Board Members

Welcome Kim Poisson and Kelly Donithan, recent additions to the IWRC Board. Kelly has been on the board since November, when she was appointed by the 2013 board to finish out a departing member’s term. Kim joined the board January 6th, elected by the IWRC membership. She will serve a three year term.   Kelly...


Call for Papers

The International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council and the Ohio Wildlife Rehabilitators Association are proud to bring the annual IWRC Symposium to Cincinnati, OH December 1 to 6, 2014. This symposium provides a platform to discuss how wildlife rehabilitators, researchers, legislators and conservationists can work together to promote the survival of species at risk of extinction. Each...


What is WildHelp?

Recently, IWRC was able to interview Rebecca Dmytryk on the new animal rescue app, WildHelp she is working on: IWRC: The description on kickstarter mentions that the app will provide safety tips and basic instruction on first aid to help save the animals life. Does this take into account the fact that most people that...


Using the Wildlife Heath Event Reporter

The Wildlife Health Event Reporter – A Surveillance and Communication Tool Wildlife can be effective sentinels that alert us to potential health hazards and environmental concerns, but information about sick/injured/dead wildlife need to be reported and shared in a timely manner for professionals to evaluate and determine if response is warranted. The Wildlife Health Event...


IWRC Welcomes New Board Members

We are pleased to announce the new board members voted in by the membership in December of 2012.  Continuing board members Brenda Harms and Melissa Matassa-Stone were also voted to the board.  But for the moment, lets concentrate on our three new members.     Kristen Heitman Kristen Heitman is a full-time bird and mammal....


Urban Predators

  In the US, it’s fairly common to see whitetailed and blacktailed deer, coyotes, and all sorts of mesopredators in and around the city.  A recent National Geographic article mentioned the increased urban appearance of apex predators like cougars.  The article made me think “what does this mean for rehab”?  My only experience with an apex...