Author: KatieMcInnis (Katie is Testing McInnis)

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How to Respect Wildlife

Wildlife is all around us. Whether we are in our garden, a park, or the center of a metropolitan area, more often than not there are animals around us that we never notice. As human populations grow we take up more space, space also used by wild animals. Every day, there are many human wildlife...


Zoonotic Diseases

The world health organization (WHO) estimates that zoonotic diseases account for billions of illnesses globally every year. In countries with high level infrastructure these diseases are rarer, but still a risk, especially for those in select professions (biologists, veterinarians, wildlife rehabilitators,etc.) or the immunocompromised. Those outside of these groups may contract these illnesses when exposed...


Emergency Vets and Wildlife

Emergency veterinarians are often asked to triage and treat wildlife patients. However, many veterinarians may have limited experience in wildlife medicine and be uncertain about assisting in such cases. This article will discuss what an emergency practitioner may do to assist in triage and temporary care of a wildlife patient until it can be transferred...


Bird Safe Windows

It was a warm, late summer day in 2020. Like many people, I was working from home, sitting in my living room, laptop on my knees, coffee at my side. Suddenly I heard a very loud THUNK in the vicinity of our back door. I sprang up and ran to the back of the house....


Wildlife Rehabilitation Organizations Come Together for Week of CE

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 7th, 2017 (Anaheim, CA)— Since 1982 the National Wildlife Rehabilitators Association (NWRA) has been dedicated to improving and promoting the profession of wildlife rehabilitation and its contributions to preserving natural ecosystems. The International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) established its Basic Wildlife Rehabilitation class in 1984 to bring science-based education to rehabilitators...