Incoming Board Member Spotlight How did you initially become involved with IWRC and why did you choose to become involved on a board level? I first heard about the IWRC while working as an intern at Wildlife Center of Virginia. There I learned about the Basics class, some of the book materials, and what the Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator exam was. After that, I got my CWR and supervised a Practicum for the interns at WildCare Oklahoma. Education was something my grandparents really instilled in my family and in turn fostered my love for teaching and learning. With IWRC being one...
Coffee & Tea: The Wildlife Confiscations Network
How to Respect Wildlife
Wildlife is all around us. Whether we are in our garden, a park, or the center of a metropolitan area, more often than not there are animals around us that we never notice. As human populations grow we take up more space, space also used by wild animals. Every day, there are many human wildlife interactions across the globe. It’s good to know how you can appropriately respond when you come across a wild animal going about its natural behaviors. Give the animal space – If you can, gently move away from the animal so that it can continue on...
IWRC Member Spotlight: Maryrose Carson
Maryrose Carson, 2023 Helene Van Doninck Scholarship Recipient Tell us a little about yourself: I have always had a love of all animals, domestic and wild. I used to do a lot of photography of wildlife while out on walks and hikes. A few years ago I came across my first opportunity for a wildlife rescue and I’ve been hooked ever since. I work full-time as a shop manager and journeyman welder as well as a couple of other part-time jobs. I am not sure how I fit it in, but when duty calls for a wildlife transport, I’m there...
International Membership Initiative
APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE SOLICITUD PARA PARTICIPAR Aviador Español *La mayoría de los recursos están en inglés
IWRC Member Spotlight: Michelle Watson
Michelle Watson CWR Tell us a little about yourself: After working for nearly 16 years in the field of wildlife rehabilitation, I have been offered the opportunity to establish my own center under the banner of the Kogelberg Biosphere in this stunning part of the Western Cape. My dream has always been to run a training hospital similar to the Wildlife Centre of Virginia, where rehabbers and wildlife vets can gain experience and qualify as Certified Wildlife Rehabilitators with the IWRC. Thankfully, the local municipality recognizes the need for a center in this area and has provided us with a...
Silvia M. Valles, Melina’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, IWRC Member Spotlight
Tell us a little about yourself: To begin with, I am an animal lover, all animals without exception and as a result I am vegetarian. I have been around animals and dedicated my life to save them. Taking the proper precautions I can handle any animal, from a raccoon, to a bat or even a rattlesnake without fear or concern. Tell us about your experience as a wildlife professional: What I love about being a licensed wildlife rehabilitator is the challenges everyday. Everytime I answer the phone I don’t know what I will be facing or doing next, it could...
Wildlife Rehabilitation Within One Health – Diane Seguin
Zoonotic Diseases
The world health organization (WHO) estimates that zoonotic diseases account for billions of illnesses globally every year. In countries with high level infrastructure these diseases are rarer, but still a risk, especially for those in select professions (biologists, veterinarians, wildlife rehabilitators,etc.) or the immunocompromised. Those outside of these groups may contract these illnesses when exposed to pets or random encounters with wildlife. It is thus important to know some basics about these pathogens so that you can prevent exposure and seek appropriate guidance if you are concerned. What is a zoonotic disease? What kind of diseases are zoonotic? What animals...