Category: Wildlife Rehabilitation Around the World

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IWRC Member Spotlight: Kalyan Goswami

Kalyan Goswami Tell us a little about yourself: Hello! I’m Kalyan Goswami from Bangladesh. I’m excited about my scholarship to pursue a DVM degree at the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences in Lahore, Pakistan. Previously, I’ve been involved in wildlife rescue and conservation efforts, starting at home and later joining the Deep Ecology And...


Five Ways to Help Wildlife

Climate change, overpopulation, loss of wild spaces; turn anywhere today and you will find multiple sources telling you just how much trouble our wildlife is in. With so many challenges it’s easy to feel hopeless. But don’t give up! Time and time again real change has been executed by people and communities making small changes....


IWRC Member Spotlight: Michael O’Malley

Michael O’Malley Tell us a little about yourself: I am the Executive Director of Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge (Cedar Run) in Medford, NJ. Cedar Run is a 501(c)(3) environmental non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of New Jersey’s wildlife and habitats through education, conservation, and rehabilitation. As an organization, our vision is that the...


How to Respect Wildlife

Wildlife is all around us. Whether we are in our garden, a park, or the center of a metropolitan area, more often than not there are animals around us that we never notice. As human populations grow we take up more space, space also used by wild animals. Every day, there are many human wildlife...